Other Resources
One of our core strategies at RAMP is to keep the asthma field abreast of best practices, timely opportunities, and emerging research in order to build capacity for reducing the inequitable burden of asthma. We do this by cultivating an extensive hub of asthma-related information across a wide range of topics, including asthma management and healthcare, housing, air pollution, schools, the built environment, and more.
The resources that you’ll see below were published by partner organizations, agencies, and research institutions. Most of these resources are tailored for those who serve people with asthma, including clinicians, home visitors, community representatives, environmental health specialists, asthma educators, healthy housing representatives, environmental health and justice advocates, and many others. To specifically see resources created by RAMP, check out RAMP Tools & Publications.
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Webinar Recording: Asthma Home Visiting Services for Tribal Communities
Asthma inequitably affects Tribal communities. Asthma home visiting services can help Tribes reduce asthma disparities while also addressing other challenges like poor housing quality and growing climate concerns including wildfire smoke. On Monday, June 3, 2024, RAMP hosted a webinar for participants to learn about: Speakers included: Both English and Spanish versions of the webinar…
New Map Shows Where Californians Can Find Relief During Air Quality Emergencies
The California Air Resources Board has launched an interactive, statewide map that offers a one-stop-shop for information about the location and services available at Clean Air Centers, where communities can seek refuge during times of poor air quality, including periods of intense wildfire smoke. Built in collaboration with local air quality control districts, the online…
American Lung Association 2024 Asthma Care Coverage Webinar Recording Now Available
The American Lung Association hosted a webinar on May 2, 2024, providing an overview of annual data on Medicaid coverage and barriers to guidelines-based asthma care. The webinar recording contains data based on the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program guidelines, and also provides information about opportunities to expand asthma care through Medicaid services in…
RAMP CHW Meeting: An Update on Guidelines-Based Practices in Asthma Management
On June 11, 2024, the RAMP CHW meeting focused on “An Update on Guidelines-Based Practices in Asthma Management,” presented by Dr. Andi Marmor, Pediatric Asthma/Allergy Clinic, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California, San Francisco. Slides from her presentation can be found here. The meeting recording is here. For more information, or to be added…
CA Healthy Housing Coalition Hosting Webinar on Tenant Protections from Wildfire Smoke; 6/24
The California Healthy Housing Coalition’s Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Workgroup is hosting a series of webinars for tenant-serving organizations focused on IAQ, health, and tenants’ rights. This month the Workgroup will host a session focused on wildfire smoke with practical advice on ways tenants can protect themselves during wildfire smoke event. The webinar is scheduled…
La importancia de tener un purificador de aire- The importance of having an air purifier- Veronica’s story
The Farmworker women & Respiratory Exposure to Smoke from Swamp Cooler Air (FRESSCA–Mujeres) project is a collaboration with the Public Health Institute (PHI), the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), and the Central California Environmental Justice Network (CCEJN) to assess exposures to air pollutants among 50 female agricultural workers in Fresno, Kern, and…
“Weatherization’s Effects on Pediatric Asthma: Evidence from a Natural Experiment” Webinar Resources and Recording Now Available
RAMP’s Director, Anne Kelsey Lamb, and other experts spoke at a US Environmental Protection Agency Indoor Environment Division webinar focusing on “Weatherization’s Effects on Pediatric Asthma: Evidence from a Natural Experiment.” The webinar focused on maximizing impact with limited funds by partnering with programs such as weatherization, as well as evidence from an important natural…
RAMP Webinar: Understanding the Impacts of Air Pollution on Life Expectancy Across Communities — Study Design and Partner Feedback
Researchers at UC Berkeley, with funding from the California Air Resources Board, have initiated a study to better understand the impacts of Particulate Matter (specifically, PM2.5). Specifically, the study will assess the impacts to life expectancy from PM2.5 exposure in different California communities. Ultimately, this research will support CARB’s regulations, strategies, and programs to better…