Studies & Reports
One of our core strategies at RAMP is to keep the asthma field abreast of best practices, timely opportunities, and emerging research in order to build capacity for reducing the inequitable burden of asthma. We do this by cultivating an extensive hub of asthma-related information across a wide range of topics, including asthma management and healthcare, housing, air pollution, schools, the built environment, and more.
The majority of studies and reports that you’ll see below were published by partner organizations, agencies, and research institutions. To specifically see resources created by RAMP, check out RAMP Tools & Publications.
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Review of Asthma-Associated Emergency Department Visits During a Wildfire Smoke Event
The August 25, 2023, edition of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report includes a review of asthma-associated emergency department visits during the June 2023 wildfire smoke event in New York. Researchers compared the mean PM2.5 values for each hour with the number of asthma-associated emergency department visits. They found…
Infant Food Allergy Phenotypes and Association with Lung Function Deficits and Asthma
The Lancet’s July 2023 edition contains an article examining the association between infant food allergy phenotypes and lung function deficits and asthma. Over 5000 one year old children were recruited and completed skin prick and food testing for four allergens. Researchers then followed up at age 6, testing lung function and aeroallergens. Researchers found “Food…
Study Examines Associations Between Extreme Weather Events and Asthma-Related Outcomes
The June 2023 edition of European Respiratory Review contains an article exploring the associations between extreme weather events and asthma-related outcomes. Researchers conducted a systematic literature search for relevant studies and found “extreme weather events were associated with increasing risks of general asthma outcomes,” and “that extreme weather events more prominently increased the risk of…
The Commonwealth Fund Releases Article on Impact of Asthma Inhalers on Climate Change
The Commonwealth Fund has released an article examining the carbon footprint of asthma inhalers. The article examines environmentally friendly alternatives and global examples of replacing metered-dose inhalers with dry-powder inhalers, which generate much less carbon emissions. To read the article, click here.
American Lung Association Releases “Driving to Clean Air” Report
The American Lung Association has released a report titled “Driving to Clean Air,” detailing the health benefits of zero-emission cars and renewable energy. Among the key findings are that “achieving 100 percent zero-emission passenger vehicle sales and non-combustion clean electricity generation by 2035” would result in 89,300 fewer premature deaths, 2.2 million fewer asthma attacks,…
Study Investigates Associations Between Illness-Related Absences and Ventilation in Elementary Schools
In the June 2023 edition of Environmental International, a study compared ventilation rates and Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in schools throughout the Midwestern United States and the impact they had on illness-related absences for students. Researchers found every “1 L/s per person increase in ventilation rate was associated with a 5.59 decrease in days with absences…
Study Details Air Pollution and Health Impacts of Oil and Gas Production in the United States
The May 2023 edition of Environmental Research Health includes an article investigating the contribution of methane emissions from oil and gas production on air quality and health impacts. The study assesses air quality and health impacts “associated with ozone, fine particulate matter, and nitrogen dioxide from the oil and gas sector in the US in…
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Releases Article on Passive Monitoring of Nighttime Respiratory Symptoms
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology’s January 2023 edition includes an article on applications of passive monitoring of nighttime respiratory symptoms in chronic asthma management. The study demonstrated “passive monitoring of nighttime respiratory breath sounds had a higher adherence rate than pulse oximetry. This novel digital application serves as a basis for further studies…