What’s New at RAMP
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Gas Stoves and Asthma
Gas cooking stoves – so common across much of the United States – may play an outsized role in increased risk of asthma among children. In a study recently published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, researchers estimate over 12% of current childhood asthma is attributed to gas stove use. That…
Celebrating Our Accomplishments in Partnership with You
At this time last year, I was pleased to share with you RAMP’s three ambitious goals under our 2022-2024 Strategic Plan: Healthy and Stable Housing. Healthy Air for All. Health Care Equity. Today, I’m thrilled to share meaningful accomplishments in each of these goal areas—thanks, in large part, to our valuable partnerships with organizations like…
RAMP Supports Prop 30 to Fight Climate change
Given the continued impacts of climate change, including air pollution and catastrophic wildfires, RAMP is proud to support Prop 30. By addressing both transportation emissions and wildfires, Prop 30 will help ensure a healthier, more equitable future for California and beyond. If approved by California voters in the November election, Prop 30 will generate around…
CAFA Virtual Summit Showcases Asthma Insights and Actions
To advance the collective work to reduce the burden of asthma, on June 14-15, RAMP hosted the 2022 Community Action to Fight Asthma (CAFA) Virtual Summit. Featuring expert presentations and peer discussions, the two days featured lessons and actions from asthma stakeholders in California and beyond. The Summit’s sessions covered a range of topics, and…
New Medi-Cal Benefit: Asthma Preventive Services
RAMP is thrilled to announce that, effective July 1, 2022, Medi-Cal covers Asthma Preventive Services. This policy change will both increase access to in-home asthma services for people with poorly controlled asthma and help sustain and expand California’s asthma home visiting programs. The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) confirmed the coverage of this…
New Tools on Wildfire Smoke
RAMP is pleased to announce the release of new tools for asthma programs to help reduce exposure to wildfire smoke. People with asthma are at risk of exacerbation from wildfire smoke exposure, and the number and length of wildfires in California have been growing in recent years. Air cleaners, also known as air purifiers, can…
California’s First Directory of Asthma Home Visiting Services!
In collaboration with partners in the field, we have released the first-of-its-kind directory of asthma home visiting programs in California! Showcasing the strength and breadth of California’s asthma home visiting network, we hope the directory will help connect Medi-Cal managed care organizations, medical providers, the media and other stakeholders with local programs. Asthma home visiting…
Transportation and Air Quality Webinar Available Online
Last Tuesday RAMP and our partners at the American Lung Association hosted a webinar, Sustainable Transportation: Healthier Options for Healthier Air — Opportunities to Improve California’s Air Quality and Slow Climate Change. Staff from ClimatePlan, Caltrans, and CivicWell engaged in a dynamic discussion with one another about how transportation policies and investments play a fundamental…