Air Cleaners for Asthma Programs
Air cleaners, sometimes called air purifiers, can help clear out wildfire smoke particles and other asthma triggers in the home. Click on the resources below for:
- Air Cleaners for Asthma Programs fact sheet [En Espanol]
- Examples of Air Cleaners for Asthma Programs spreadsheet
- How to Choose a Safe & Effective Air Cleaner: for Consumers, for Agencies and Programs, for Schools
- Video on how to use an air cleaner [English and Spanish; also embedded below]
- Helping Clients with Asthma Prepare for Wildfire Smoke Events: Tips for Asthma Educators
- Asthma, Smoke & Air Purifiers: A fact sheet for community residents in English, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Arabic, and Vietnamese
- The Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Home Air Filtration Program: Lessons Learned and Tips for Replication
- La importancia de tener un purificador de aire – The importance of having an air purifier- Veronica’s story

[Limpiadores de aire para los programas de asma]

An online slideshow is also available; click here to view.
RAMP extends appreciation to the Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment for funding that supported this project, as well as to the many partners that provided valuable input and feedback on this project. To see the full list of partners who contributed to this project and to learn more about our methods, click here.