Asthma Action Plans

RAMP has an updated Asthma Action Plan!

Click here to view and print the updated Asthma Action Plan in English.

Read on to learn more and find additional languages.

What is an Asthma Action Plan?

An Asthma Action Plan is a key component of asthma self-management education. The written form, completed by a clinician, includes two aspects: (1) daily management and (2) how to recognize and handle worsening asthma.

How should Asthma Action Plans be integrated into clinical care for asthma?

The National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) in the National Institutes for Health created the Expert Panel Report 3: Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma (EPR-3) in 2007 and provided updates on select topics in 2020. The full report and a companion summary report are available here and the updates can be found here.

Central to these national clinical guidelines is the recommendation that clinicians develop a written asthma action plan in partnership with patient/family. After agreeing on treatment goals, the clinician should:

  • Teach patients how to use the asthma action plan to:
    • Take daily actions to control asthma,
    • Adjust medications in response to worsening asthma, and
    • Seek medical care as appropriate.
  • Encourage adherence to the asthma action plan.
    • Choose a treatment that achieves outcomes and addresses preferences important to the patient/family.
    • Review at each visit any success in achieving control, any concerns about treatment, any difficulties following the plan, and any possible actions to improve adherence.
    • Provide encouragement and praise, which builds patient confidence. Encourage family involvement to provide support.

RAMP’s Asthma Action Plans

RAMP, along with our clinical partners, developed asthma action plans, aligned with clinical guidelines, which are available at no-cost and in four languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese.

In early 2025, we updated the English version of the Asthma Action Plan. Updates you’ll notice include:

  • Adjustments to the medication instructions to accommodate Single Maintenance and Reliever Therapy (SMART)
  • An updated, more comprehensive list of asthma triggers that includes images
  • Information about asthma home visiting services for patients with poorly controlled asthma

While we pilot the English version of the Asthma Action Plan, we welcome your feedback. Contact Anne Kelsey Lamb at with any feedback and suggested edits.

English Asthma Action Plan – updated 2025

English Asthma Action Plan (fillable PDF)– updated 2025

Once the pilot period is done, we will translate the updated version into additional languages. In the meantime, you can continue using the existing versions below.

Printer-ready versions:


Electronic, Fill-able PDF Versions of Asthma Action Plans:
