Tracking California Releases New Environmental Public Health Data System

Tracking California has released a new data tool that specifically allows you to search for environmental and health topics and interact with data in the form of maps, charts, time trends, and tables in California. When searching by the topic area of asthma, there is data on:  

  • Asthma Emergency Department Visits 
  • Asthma Hospitalizations 
  • Current Asthma Prevalence  
  • Lifetime Asthma Prevalence 
  • Asthma Deaths  
  • Insurers for Asthma Emergency Department Visits 
  • Insurers for Asthma Hospitalizations  

The data can be separated by a multitude of factors including gender/sex, age, race/ethnicity, geography, and more.  

Other topics areas encompassed in Tracking California include air quality, birth defects, cancer, carbon monoxide poisoning, childhood lead poisoning, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), health attacks, heat-related illness, and maternal and infant health.  

Tracking California is a program of the Public Health Institute, in partnership with the California Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) National Environmental Public Health Tracking Program