EPA Funds RAMP to Continue to Build and Sustain Home-Based Asthma Services

We’re pleased to share that RAMP and our partners at the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) will continue to offer free technical assistance (TA) and training to states and communities across the country to expand and sustain in-home environmental asthma interventions as part of a new 3-year Cooperative Agreement with the US Environmental Protection Agency.

RAMP and NCHH have a long history of partnering to provide TA to build participants’ capacity in a manner that advances their long-term sustainability objectives. Our approach to TA prioritizes responsiveness and flexibility over a more prescriptive approach by meeting TA participants “where they are,” building on their organizational and community strengths and needs and understanding the broader policy and systems context in which they work. Over the last three years, we provided TA to 28 partners across 17 states; you can learn more here.

If you are interested in starting or strengthening your asthma home visiting program, or working to build systems and policies to sustain asthma home visiting services, reach out to us!

On a related note, for over two decades, RAMP has hosted capacity-building workshops for CHWs, promotoras, and other asthma educators in California. With our new Cooperative Agreement, we are now offering the workshops to participants across the country. Click here to check out past and upcoming workshops; you can also join future workshops by completing this form.