National Center for Healthy Housing Releases Technical Briefs on Funding Community Health Worker Services

The National Center for Healthy Housing has released two technical briefs on funding services provided by community health workers.

The first brief, Advancing the Role of Community Health Workers: Engaging State Medicaid Offices to Develop State Plan Amendments Regarding the Preventative Services Rule Change, “reviews the process for amending Medicaid state plans to include” community health workers (CHWs) “in preventative services delivery.” It includes takeaway messages for stakeholders and strategies for successful implementation of state plan amendments.

The second brief, Community Health Workers: Delivering Home-Based Asthma Services, “shows how the inclusion of CHWs can reduce costs and improve health outcomes for home-based asthma services.” The brief “highlights the range of services CHWs can provide” and includes case studies and information about innovative programs from across the country.

For more information and to view the guides, click here.