Healthy and stable housing. Healthy air for all. Health care equity. I’m pleased to share these goals will guide RAMP’s work for the next three years and beyond as we work to reduce the burden of asthma with a focus on health equity.
As 2021 comes to a close, in partnership with RAMP Advisory Committee members, we have finalized our new Strategic Plan for 2022-2024.
To achieve RAMP’s mission, we developed these goals in response to significant asthma disparities for African-Americans, Latinos, and low-income communities, prioritizing activities that target the social and environmental inequities that create these disparities. Our specific goals include:
Healthy and Stable Housing: Advance comprehensive policies on housing quality, affordability and tenant protections.
Healthy Air for All: Shape policies to reduce and eliminate exposure to air pollution in inequitably burdened communities.
Health Care Equity: Increase access to prevention-oriented services within health care, and advance workforce development for community health workers, promotoras, and other asthma professionals.
We’ve also updated the RAMP Framework for Reducing the Burden of Asthma, which visually conveys the array of factors impacting asthma prevalence and outcomes, ranging from downstream factors, like medication use, to upstream factors, like racism. It also shows the multiple strategies for addressing these factors, both for RAMP’s partners who provide direct services and for RAMP.
As you review our plan and framework, you’ll see that the value of partnerships is central to everything we do. We could not achieve our goals without the critical role served by those of you providing direct service to people with asthma. We could not successfully advance policy and systems change without those of you involved in our networks and those of you who are our advocacy partners. We thank you for your important role in our work and look forward to continued partnership as we implement our Strategic Plan over the next three years.
In addition to your partnership, we also deeply appreciate any financial support you can provide. Please consider a year-end donation for RAMP to help advance our mission of reducing the burden of asthma with a focus on health equity. Donations can be made online through our website.
Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season,
Anne Kelsey Lamb