RAMP’s TA: Helping to Build and Sustain Home-Based Asthma Services

Over the last three years, in partnership with the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) and with support from the US Environmental Protection Agency, RAMP has provided technical assistance (TA) to improve the capacity of states and communities to expand and sustain in-home environmental asthma interventions through policy and systems change.

To share the impact of this TA and the exciting work happening throughout the nation, RAMP and NCHH created this flyer to provide a snapshot of our effort.

In addition to providing direct TA, we also developed tools to support programs across the country. That included developing new e-learning modules, which have been integrated into NCHH’s Building Systems to Sustain Home-Based Asthma Services platform. One focuses on integrating virtual visits into asthma home visiting programs and the other focuses generally on healthcare financing innovations. We also developed a “Roadmap to Sustainable Asthma Home Visiting.”

If you are interested in receiving TA in support of your efforts to build and sustain asthma home visiting services, please email TA@rampasthma.org.