Study Examines Increased Dose of Inhaled Corticosteroids in Children with Asthma in the Yellow Zone

An article in the June 2018 edition of Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology reviewed studies examining an increased dose of inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs) when children with asthma were in the yellow zone. After reviewing several studies, the authors note there are “conflicting results and lack of support to increase dose of ICS,” and suggest it may be due to “the efficacy of daily ICSs; ICSs remain the cornerstone of asthma management and they may just be the most effective treatment in preventing asthma exacerbations.” The authors conclude “the current well-designed trials do not support temporarily increasing the dose of ICSs during yellow-zone episodes to prevent asthma exacerbation.”

To view the article’s abstract, click here.