An article released in the July 2017 edition of Annals of the American Thoracic Society examined the links between “intake of high fructose corn syrup sweetened beverages with asthma in school children.” In order to explore these associations, researchers looked at both “maternal prenatal and early childhood intake of sugar sweetened beverages and fructose” and compared it with asthma currently present in the children. Researchers utilized “food frequency questionnaires in 1068 mother-child pairs” to compare with “current asthma in mid-childhood, assessed by questionnaire as … doctor-diagnosed asthma.”
Researchers found “higher maternal pregnancy intake of sugar sweetened beverages” and total fructose “were associated with greater odds of md-childhood current asthma prevalence.” They also found “higher early childhood fructose intake” was “associated with mid-childhood current asthma in models adjusted for sugar sweetened beverages” and “additional adjustment for mid-childhood BMI z-score.” The researchers concluded that “higher sugar sweetened beverage and fructose intake during pregnancy and early childhood may influence childhood asthma development,” and theorized it may be to mechanisms not related to obesity.
To view the article’s abstract, click here.