Other Resources
One of our core strategies at RAMP is to keep the asthma field abreast of best practices, timely opportunities, and emerging research in order to build capacity for reducing the inequitable burden of asthma. We do this by cultivating an extensive hub of asthma-related information across a wide range of topics, including asthma management and healthcare, housing, air pollution, schools, the built environment, and more.
The resources that you’ll see below were published by partner organizations, agencies, and research institutions. Most of these resources are tailored for those who serve people with asthma, including clinicians, home visitors, community representatives, environmental health specialists, asthma educators, healthy housing representatives, environmental health and justice advocates, and many others. To specifically see resources created by RAMP, check out RAMP Tools & Publications.
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American Lung Association Releases Asthma Trends Brief
The American Lung Association has released its 2019 brief examining asthma morbidity and mortality trends. The report includes descriptions, figures, and tables detailing current patterns of the burden of asthma on both children and adults. The report also includes current demographics of asthma, including information on sex, age, race/ethnicity, family income, and more. To view…
E4TheFuture Releases Energy-Plus-Health Playbook
In late 2019, E4TheFuture released the Energy-Plus-Health Playbook. Created primarily to support program administrators designing or developing energy efficiency programs, the 84-page Playbook outlines three program tiers with increasing levels of health and energy integration. Written and developed by VEIC, with input from energy and health experts, funding for the Playbook was provided by E4TheFuture. For…
Clearing the Air: An Asthma Toolkit for Healthy Schools Released
In late 2019, the Massachusetts Asthma Action Partnership and Health Resources in Action have created “Clearing the Air: An Asthma Toolkit for Healthy Schools.” The toolkit is available online and has policy and practices that will help schools create an asthma-friendly environment. To view the toolkit click here.
RAMP Launches Project to Assess Health and Equity Implications of Freight Automation
Based on tech sector hype and awestruck media reports, automated passenger vehicles seem just one or two steps away from revolutionizing our personal transportation system. The freight transportation system is also on the cusp of an automated revolution, albeit with far less public fanfare. Just two years ago, an automated freight truck delivered goods over…
California Department of Public Health Releases Informational Video on Mold, Moisture, and Health
The California Department of Public Health’s Indoor Air Quality Section has released a video targeted at California code enforcement officers. The video focuses on mold, moisture, and health, specifically as applied to assessing dampness and mold in a home. For more information, and to view the video, click here.
National Center for Healthy Housing Releases Online Code Comparison Tool
The National Center for Healthy Housing has released a Code Comparison Tool that allows you to determine how weak or strong your housing codes are by answering a series of questions. The tool compares the International Property Maintenance Code and the National Healthy Housing Standard to local housing and property codes to generate a customized…
Office of Women’s Health Releases Asthma Fact Sheet
The Office of Women’s Health has released a fact sheet focused on asthma. This guide examines asthma from multiple angles and includes information on how asthma specifically affects women and pregnancy. It also includes links to multiple resources for additional information. The fact sheet is available in English here and in Spanish here.
US EPA Releases Preventive Maintenance Guidance Documents for School Indoor Air Quality
The US Environmental Protection Agency has released several guidance documents on Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools. These guides are designed to help stakeholders plan and develop an indoor air quality preventive maintenance plan. The guide details how walkthroughs, integrated pest management, green cleaning, and more can make for better air quality in schools. Lastly,…