Studies & Reports

One of our core strategies at RAMP is to keep the asthma field abreast of best practices, timely opportunities, and emerging research in order to build capacity for reducing the inequitable burden of asthma. We do this by cultivating an extensive hub of asthma-related information across a wide range of topics, including asthma management and healthcare, housing, air pollution, schools, the built environment, and more.

The majority of studies and reports that you’ll see below were published by partner organizations, agencies, and research institutions. To specifically see resources created by RAMP, check out RAMP Tools & Publications.

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  • BUILD Health Challenge Releases Healthy Homes Des Moines Case Study

    In 2018, the BUILD Health Challenge, which is working in communities across the country to drive sustainable improvements in community health, has released a case study of their experiences working with the Healthy Homes Des Moines collaborative. The collaborative applied the BUILD principles (Bold, Upstream, Integrated, Local, and Data-Driven) to treat asthma with healthy housing…

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  • County Health Department Investigates Effects of Plant Closure on Emergency Department Visits

    A study undertaken by the Allegheny County Health Department found that emergency room visits for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Pittsburgh dropped by 37.9% in the year following the closure of Shenango Coke Works, one of the largest polluters in the county. The health department also found particulate matter pollution decreased in the…

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  • Study Assesses Prevalence of Asthma, Asthma Attacks and Emergency Department Visits Among Working Adults

    The April 2018 edition of Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report includes a study that sought “to assess the industry- and occupation-specific prevalence of current asthma, asthma attacks, and asthma-related emergency department visits among working adults.” Researchers analyzed 2011-2016 National Health Interview Survey data for participants over the age of 18 who “were employed at some…

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  • Researchers Evaluate Education Interventions on the Use of Metered-Dose Inhalers

    The Indian Journal of Pharmacology’s April 2017 edition included a study evaluating the impacts of educational interventions on the use of metered-dose inhalers (MDI) by patients. To conduct the study, researchers assigned 100 patients into two groups, one which was “taught the use of MDI by demonstration of the technique” and the other “educated about…

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  • Study Seeks to Identify Genetic Associations of Bronchodilator Drug Response

    The March 2018 Edition of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine included an article that sought to “identify genetic association with bronchodilator drug response (BDR),” noting “there are significant racial/ethnic differences in” drug response. Researchers “performed the first whole genome sequencing (WGS) pharmacogenetics study from 1,441 children with asthma.” In reviewing the…

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  • Researchers Investigate Effects of Traffic Related Air Pollution on Development and Persistence of Asthma

    Environmental International’s April 2018 edition includes an article that discusses the longer-term effects of Traffic Related Air Pollution (TRAP) on those with respiratory diseases. In order to examine the issue, researchers measured “TRAP exposure at age 45 years” based on individuals’ residential addresses and compared it with “changes in asthma and lung function.” The researchers…

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  • Paper Examines Effects of Congestion Tax on Pollution and Asthma in Children

    The National Bureau of Economic Research has released a working paper that “examines the effects of implementing a congestion tax in central Stockholm on both ambient air pollution and the population health of local children.” The researchers found “the tax reduced ambient air pollution by 5 to 15 percent,” and led to “a significant decrease…

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  • Feasibility Study Investigates Body Mass Index, Vitamin D Status and Asthma Control in Inner-City Children

    In the March 2018 edition of Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology, a study examined the feasibility of “assessing weekly reports of breathing problems” and “the distribution of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (250HD) and related biomarkers” in thirty two young children with asthma. The researchers noted obesity “appears to significantly increase risk of poor asthma control, with serum…

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