Other Resources

One of our core strategies at RAMP is to keep the asthma field abreast of best practices, timely opportunities, and emerging research in order to build capacity for reducing the inequitable burden of asthma. We do this by cultivating an extensive hub of asthma-related information across a wide range of topics, including asthma management and healthcare, housing, air pollution, schools, the built environment, and more.

The resources that you’ll see below were published by partner organizations, agencies, and research institutions. Most of these resources are tailored for those who serve people with asthma, including clinicians, home visitors, community representatives, environmental health specialists, asthma educators, healthy housing representatives, environmental health and justice advocates, and many others. To specifically see resources created by RAMP, check out RAMP Tools & Publications.

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  • NIH’s Infographic Highlights Asthma Burden in Kids 

    Asthma is the most common chronic disease of childhood, affecting about 1 in every 10 students. As children are returning to school, parents need to be aware of the signs of asthma and how to work effectively with healthcare providers to manage their child’s asthma.   The NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute created an…

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  • Understanding and Combating Asthma Peak Week

    In the US, the third week in September is recognized as Asthma Peak Week because of the spike in pediatric hospital stays related to asthma attacks due to increased allergies and asthma triggers. Triggers include ragweed pollen, respiratory viruses, indoor allergens, and air pollutants in addition to stress and anxiety during the back-to-school season and…

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  • AAFA Offering Free Asthma Management Education for Respiratory Therapists and Nurses Through September 

    The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America is offering free asthma management education courses for September to combat the September asthma peak. Respiratory therapists and nurses will learn about asthma assessment and monitoring, control of environmental factors, medicine management, and patient education over 10 lessons based on the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program’s “Four…

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  • EPA Releases Version 2 of Indoor AirPlus Home Certification Program, 

    The US Environmental Protection Agency’s Indoor Environments Division has released Version 2 of its Indoor AirPlus home certification program. This new version includes improved features to enhance indoor air quality, such as enhanced guidelines, new verification protocols, expanded resources, and tiered certification.   Click here for full information.  In addition, the EPA will be hosting a…

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  • CHHC’s Principles on Equitable Smoke-Free Multifamily Housing 

    With RAMP’s leadership and support, the California Healthy Housing Coalition (CHHC) leveraged over a decade of collaboration between public health and tenants’ rights members and brought a small group of partners together to develop a set of principles that balance health protections with housing stability to aid future efforts to create equitable approaches to addressing smoke-free multifamily housing. The…

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  • RAMP CHW Meeting: Wildfire smoke updates

    On August 12th, RAMP hosted a CHW meeting on wildfire smoke updates and resources. It included: -The latest research on wildfire smoke presented by Stephanie Holm, MD, MPH, Co-Director of the Western Stated Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit. -How to select air cleaners for your clients and resources on proper use and maintenance from Anne…

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  • EPA Updates EJScreen Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool 

    The US Environmental Protection Agency has updated EJScreen, an Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool, for the current year. The update includes many new features, including environmental indicators and map layers, updated demographic and environmental data, interface improvements, and more.   For full information and to use EJScreen, click here.  In addition, the EPA will be…

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  • Webinar: EPA Hosts “IEDOH Solutions for Asthma During Wildfire Events”; 8/14 

    The US Environmental Protection Agency’s Indoor Environments Division hosted the final webinar of its “Solving for Indoor Environmental Determinants (IEDOH) in Asthma” webinar series. “IEDOH Solutions for Asthma During Wildfire Events” took place Wednesday, August 14, at 11:00am Pacific Time. Attendees learned about risks from wildfire smoke; how to use the data, equipment, and community…

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